Where were you at the beginning of the decade and where are you at now?

In 2009 I was newly married and starting to feel the come down from ten years of family distress and moving around. Things were starting to get better.

In 2019 still married to the awesome fella I married in 2020. Went no contact to very little contact with the family that caused distress. Things are harder in some regards... in other ways they’re much easier. The PTSD from my childhood and a couple near death experiences in the last few years have fucked with me. But also In 2009 I was afraid I would have to rely on my husband for everything and that he might control me for it and In 2019 I make more than he does and he’s been the furthest thing from controlling.

All in all this decade has been better to me than any other.

/r/AskWomen Thread