who else hates it when americans try to do british accents?

I’m a Brit who has lived in the US for 14 years and every single day I will get an American starting a conversation specifically so they can get to trying out their English accent and then me rate it. Every time.

US: Where are you from?

Me: England

US: You sound Australian

Me: I’ve been here a good long while so my accent is a bit mixed plus we say Mate a lot as…

US: cRoiKeY mAyTE, aHm fRoM LAhNdOn tAHn, aPpLeS uN pAIrS gUV, tHrOw a sHrImP oN tHe bArBiE!

Me: stares blankly That was Australian at the end though…

US: stares blankly waiting for approval

Me: Wow cool, you nailed it, that was great.

US: *wanders off swagging like they’re Bobby fuckin Davro.

/r/CasualUK Thread