Wholesome girlfriend

I'm so sorry for what you and your children have been through and I'm sorry for your loss.

I hope your children are doing well these days! Having you as their parent means that they'll grow up with a stable, kind and loving parent, so that they too can be all of that for their own children one day.

I wish you all the best. I hope you all live long, happy and healthy lives! :)

Thank you for being so kind to me and actually trying to get to know me better so that your kind words carry more weight.

Do you mind having a quick look at some of the comments on my main account? It's the one I used to comment on /r/depression.

If not then that's definitely cool with me, it's just, idk, I guess I just want to hear that I didn't hurt other people through my help.

(The account is /u/GuyFromTexas123 I'm not from the USA btw, an explanation to that is in my most recent post lol)

I have (/had) a friend I made through reddit, she and I talked daily for months, then she slowly stopped responding culminating in her ghosting me. Last we talked was 4 months ago.

And now, knowing that my help was doing more harm then good, I can't help but feel like I hurt her, which made her ghost me.

I really hope she's doing well.

All of this weighs heavy on me because I feel like the people on the ground wanted a helping hand and all they got was me.

Sorry for talking your ear off, if you want to vent yourself then feel free to do so. I promise I won't give out unasked advice and will simply listen.

P.S sorry for the wall of text.

/r/wholesomememes Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it