Will you take a look at my Thailand itinerary? Please and Thank You!

checkout the northeast if you want to see the less touristy side of thailand. it's more rural, less developed, so you'll have to allow for more time in getting around (e.g. bus schedules will be less frequent). thats where i'd go if/when i go back.

overall i spent 2 months in thailand and could've easily spent 2 more. looking back on it, i wished i'd steered more clear of the touristy parts in the north, chang mai and mae hong son. (the towns themselves are fine to use as hubs/base camps, but don't think you're seeing authenthic Thailand there so much as a commercialized version for the sake of tourist dollars.

while I'm okay and enjoy being alone, I have to make an effort to talk to people and socialize or I will totally shut myself away.

if you mean socializing with locals, you should learn to speak Thai -- at least some basic phrases. that will endear you to them like nothing else, especially in the smaller towns and villages where they don't speak alot of English.

if you also mean other travellers, i suggest you look for group trips at some of the local places you're going. they often have room for another traveler to tag along. you can also meet cool people by playing games in the bars like pool, darts, etc which breaks the ice. personally i love playing cards because its a way to socialize without the initial awkwardness of same same questions about where you're from, going, etc. those topics come up but maybe more naturally when you're sharing a game.

in two other recent threads i wrote some replies to similar requests for advice. http://www.reddit.com/r/solotravel/comments/2rf96j/i_need_help_25_year_old_looking_to_do_sea_for_56/ http://www.reddit.com/r/solotravel/comments/2rr921/23f_heading_on_my_1st_solo_trip_round_sea_in_june/

--they're more generally about SE Asia but much of my feedback is distilled from years of travelling in developing countries. feel free to respond here or there with more questions.

/r/solotravel Thread