i will never raise a special needs child

Hey more power, hope you can stick to that and I want you to think about your brothers life, not you 2 compared.. what is HIS life like. I bet it sucks, and is hard. He could have issues doing things you find mundane and easy that you never even knew about…. As far as your own kid, once you hold him/her for the first time and watch them grow a bit…come back to this post. It’s hard on everyone with a sn kid but a family is a team. Sometimes you get an all star team sometimes you don’t. I’m in the minors, it sucks but I wouldn’t blink an eye to give my life up for my kid. But everyone is different and what you do is irrelevant to me. Just know things change, no one is the same as they were yesterday and anything can happen.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread