A woman killed by measles in Washington state had been vaccinated against the disease

I watched my little brother go into seizures and have to be placed in a cold tub while we waited for paramedics the day he recieved a round of shots as a kid.

I beleive RFK jr when he says the cdc is a sockpuppet of the drug companies.

I am aware of the Bayer hiv fiascos. I am aware that these vaccines are made by the lowest bidder in China.

I have learned about. IG Farbins war crimes during ww2

I know that newborns are given the first hep B shot within 5 minutes of being in the world. Hep B is contracted from sex or intravenious drug use. The vaccine is only effective for 7 years. How many 7 year old junky prostitutes do you know?

You used the term willfull ignorance describing people who have no trust of drug companies or people who feel some of the shots are completely ridiculous.

It has been proven time and time again that these companies deserve none of that trust.

Willfull ignorance eh? I have a term for you. Cognitive dissonence.

All this without even brandishing my tin foil fedora. Willfull ignorance

Get your kids all their shots, then bring them to McDonalds, when you get home get on the internet and tell everyone about heard immunity and what a great parent you are, just remember who you herd it from.

/r/conspiracy Thread Parent Link - apnews.myway.com