Women 'furious' as Ikea sticks with all-male catalog in Israel: 'We're turning into Saudi Arabia' - Israel News

You are trying to use English words to describe religious concepts in a different language from a culture you are unfamiliar with. The words don't fit.

The article you posted was in English. Reddit is in English. We are communicating in English. If you are going to post an article on Reddit, which is not a forum targeted at people with specialized religious knowledge, that uses terms of art--which is just a name for when a word has a specific meaning in certain contexts that differs from its ordinary meaning--you need to explain that ahead of time. It is unreasonable to expect a general audience on Reddit to know that the words in the article you posted have different definitions.

The result is that you don't understand what you're talking about

This is what's called an ad hominem attack. It doesn't address the things I mentioned on their merits but purports to refute them based on an attack on me, personally.

It's also a circular argument. Whether I know what I am talking about is not, by itself, relevant. To explain, I could not know what I'm talking about but in my speculative rambing end up hitting on a completely accurate argument. Alternatively, I could not know what I'm talking about and end up making a terrible argument. Either way, it's the argument that needs to be addressed, not the person making it. Because it ultimately comes down to the argument, the characteristics of the person making the argument are not relevant.

and are making incorrect statements.

If you look at the post you're responding to, I actually specified that I was basing my statements on the article. Maybe the article didn't do a great job of describing things for me?

Ultimately, my core statement is still that Judaism is sexist. So, for the sake of argument, even if there were incorrect statements in the examples that I used, those inaccuracies don't prove that there isn't sexism in Judaism.

Regardless of the specific nuances of the laws and practices at issue, which may vary among different Jewish communities, women are discriminated against in Judaism. There are things they are not allowed to do that men are allowed to do.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread Parent Link - haaretz.com