Women of Reddit, what's one thing every girl should know but is rarely taught?

Well, that doesn't necessarily help. My reflexive fear of rejection has little to do with reality. I know it's highly unlikely that a mid-twenties, average-looking med student is repulsive to all women (in fact, if I try to assess myself objectively I come out pretty good I think!), but the fear of rejection can be completely paralysing. Even if someone has showed explicit interest in me (e.g. matching on Tinder), the thought of talking to someone with the explicit purpose of instigating romance or sex is... well. It probably won't happen any time soon. I have had girlfriends, but they have always approached me. I work on this constantly, but seven years on from a fairly horrible mental crisis related to this I'm still nowhere near being able to take a chance like that casually. So for now, my strategy is basically just... being social, trying to meet people, and hopefully occasionally have someone take a liking to me. (It helps that I have a thing for assertive women, if someone approaches me, just that in itself can make me attracted to them.)

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