Women who are in relationships, what was your first impression of your current partner & how accurate was it looking back?

Ooof this question was made for me!

I’ll be honest, I thought my partner was going to be in obnoxious and dense when we were first getting to know each other. He’s blonde, in the military, attractive, high school football star… in my experience, these guys weren’t into girls like me who don’t really drink or party. I was surprised he was even pursuing me.

I had my internal biases checked as we got to know each other more. This guy is smarter than I am, he’s one of the sweetest people I know, he’s resilient and hasn’t had the easiest life. This showed me that people don’t fit into stereotypical boxes, that I should be more open-minded about people, and that having certain traits or hobbies doesn’t make you a bad person.

Since we got together, I’ve been getting out of my comfort zone more and trying new things as well, like drinking occasionally and going out with friends more. Meeting him triggered a chain reaction that overall leads me to new experiences and feeling fulfilled with my life :)

/r/AskWomen Thread