The World Cup-winning US Women's National Soccer Team just had their court case for equal pay with the US Men's National Team thrown out. The public argument against the case had been that of mockery at the women losing 5-2 to a 14-year-old boys team a few years back. What was your opinion on it?

I mean, I know it’s ultimately “WOMEN BAD, WOMEN DUN DESERVE EQUAL PAY.”

It isn't. Ability determines pay in every walk of life. Hence women soccer players get paid (a lot) less than men.

If you as (presumably) a woman were really good at your job you'd expect a high salary commensurate with your ability. Do you think a male colleague not so good at his job should be given the same salary as you because dude, equal pay?

Where I live soccer (we call it football) is very serious - on a level with football/baseball/basketball in the USA. I've been playing/watching the game since I was 5 years old. So assume I understand the game. I'd bet you've never even watched a match in your life. But you feel qualified to discuss soccer because you're a feminist therefore you must be right.

Through your lens a women's team must be able to beat a boys team.

A top level male soccer player gets paid 7 figures - 8 if he's really good. A top level female player gets mid 5 figures if she's lucky.

Do you honestly think that pay differential is because women are "bad" - or because they're just not very good at soccer?

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