Would You Stay Married?

My wife just linked me this post and I have to add some additional facts that while she did tell most of the story are important. When I found the journals it not only had details about the threesome but other journals described other encounters with 4 other men through the course of her time at college. Though she has claimed that they were sex, at least one involved her letting the man completely undress her and himself and stopped right before penetration. Additionally through the years after I found out nothing more than she had the threesome and did not know any details I wou ask if there was any chance that our son might not be mine and she would swear up and down that it did not occur anywhere close to the time of conception but it had, 4 days after my birthday. In addition, after we found out her behavior was not of remorse and she began hitting me almost daily and destroying my belongings until I left. Now I am not saying this to make her look worse, I am just providing some additional information. I love all my children and I still love her. I came from a physically abusive home and always considered her my reward for being strong and making it through. I even had a scholarship to a college and hour and a half away but chose to stay in that abusive home because she was a year behind me and didn't want to lose her by not being around. I never told her why I stayed or that I turned down the scholarship until this all came out and when she graduated she went to a school an hour away but I wou come to her every weekend on my 1 day off. I was saving to take her on vacation after she graduated and her journals even say that at the time of her threesome she knew I was going to propose. Like I said, I love all my kids and still love her but how do you hide the pain, especially when your son looks exactly like the man your wife chose over you. As far as the comments out me staying after I knew she had the threesome but not the details or results, she has continued for 21 years that the threesome I wanted with another female would happen and it never has.

/r/Parenting Thread