Wow- video of Timothy Leary hanging out with NUMEROUS MK-Ultra doctors/CIA discussing strategies of "undercover agents" like Ken Kesey and the merry pranksters


Tim Leary: I think, you know, sometimes it's interesting to think too, as you’re going around the country, I'm sure you've all experienced… you talk to, uh, middle-aged, fairly respectable people in Tucson Arizona, and they say “this is where the acid thing really happened.” [Laughs] Tucson! In San Francisco “this is where it really happened.” The lower East side, you know, they say “that’s where it really happened.” And, uh, no one has ever really, uh, uh told us what was really going on in Los Angeles during those, uh, years. And I think there was much more done down here, there was a much wider range, there were more doctors involved. There were more scientists, and we…

Sydney Cohen: You're talking about Gerald and all of us.

Tim Leary: Yes, right right. Yeah. And, uh, Ivan. Uh, of course…uh, then, there of course, was part [break in audio – mic muffled] coolness of the Los Angele [break in audio – mic muffled]s, uh, [break in audio – mic muffled] cell, whatever you want to call it. But they kept a, you kept a, uh…

Sydney Cohen: Would you mind not calling it a cell? Let's call it a cluster!

Tim Leary: All right. [Room laughs] Our undercover agents in Los Angeles were very cool about, uh, and yet they did more in a very laid-back way, uh, and it's every bit as public as some of the other, you know, the buses running around the country [Ken Kesey and the Merry pranksters – here identified as undercover agents]….

Oscar Janiger: Yeah, and then Zinnberg says that the visionary experience, and all of the things he was doing at Harvard, and the others, his residence, and the rest he was giving LSD to, they never had a visionary, or ecstatic, or mystic experience. That the whole thing was a California invention, he said.

Tim Leary: Wonderful, They're right!

Oscar Janiger: The only time it happened, was when you cross the Colorado River.
[Room laughs] Sydney Cohen: I'm reading John Marks book on, the Manchurian… The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, in which he says the CIA turned us all on, you know. But..."

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