[wp]You are a college student, descending into madness. However, the voices you hear are actually reasonable and harassingly helpful.

"Ugh, can't this all just end," I thought, slamming my head into the desk. My Classics paper was due tomorrow morning and it was 10pm already.

"You shouldn't do that, it is painful," said a voice. Let's call him Voice 1 or this will get confusing. "If you're going to take out your frustration you should hit someone soft and fluffy, like a pillow."

"But the work never ends," I replied, in thought.

"Yes it does," said another voice, Voice 2. He was a bit more chipper than Voice 1 and sounded more intelligent. "Work must end, for you are human and your time is limited. Work will come to an end when it is finished."

"Look, I know. I'm just frustrated right now," I said, in thought. "If I have to cite one more source for something I already know I'm going to—"

Voice 3 cut me off, he was a bit more aggressive. "Going to, what? Kill yourself? Scream? Yell? Okay. So what? No, you're going to find a source and cite that. You are Stan that freaking man, you got this. And hey, if you find a source that says something to what you know is right, just put it in, you think they check all 45 sources in your bibliography."

Voice 3 laughed.

"Yeah, sure, you're right," I thought. "There's just so much to write still."

Voice 4 chimed in, he was a little more graceful and kind. "And that's fine. You've done it before, you can do it again."

"I'm just so tired, none of it sounds good," I thought.

"Because you left it to the last minute," said Voice 3.

"Perhaps next time, you can give yourself enough time," Voice 1 added. "You do know how to manage time."

"Indeed. You've done it before," said Voice 4. "Remember before Spring Break. You had 3 papers due before the end and you did them all in advance so you could party week."

"That's time management," said Voice 2. "Excellent time management, might I add."

"You may!" said Voice 3, in boisterous fashion.

"You understand, don't you Stan?" asked Voice 4.

"Okay, but that doesn't help me know," I said.

"Yep, you done goofed up," said Voice 5. He sounded more hillbilly. "If I may place my two cents in here, I be seeing these voices are telling what you ought to do next time."

"Okay," I said, a little thrown off.

"What we're trying to do is help future you," said Voice 4. "Future you is our hope for a better you."

"Present Stan is kind of a loser," said Voice 3. "But future you, man, that guy has potential."

"Potential beyond expectations," added Voice 1.

"Thanks guys," I told them, returning my head to the hard, dense desk.

"You shouldn't do that, consider using a pillow next time," Voice 1 reminded me.

"I got that the first time," I told it.

"Then why would you do it again?" asked all the voices at once.

I sat in silence before Voice 5 chimed in again:

"See here, Stan. We all love ya. You done goofed, but as there Annie sang, 'the sun will come out tomorrow.' Now, here's what you're gonna do. You here, are gonna sit and write that paper all out. Every bit of yippidy yaps and do-adds until it sounds like what we seen you write. Then, straight to bed mister."

"Then you will wake up tomorrow," continued Voice 1.

"Bright and early!" cheered Voice 2.

"Not being lazy," added Voice 3.

"And edit that paper up until you have to send it in," ended Voice 4.

"But—", I tried to argue.

"No buts!" they all yelled at once. "Go, go, go, write, write, write. Now!"



96% on the paper finished the next before. Oh yeah, Stan is the man.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread