[WP] Everyone has the date and time they die above their head. You board a plane and realize everyone has the same date and time. 20 years in the future.

"Thank goodness it's 20 years" says the attendant as she starts again, "“When the seat belt sign illuminates, you must fasten your seat belt. Insert the metal fittings one into.."

[The scene fades as you wake up to the flight attendant once again]

"I’d like to thank you for joining us on this trip and we are looking forward to seeing you on board again in the near future. Have a nice day"

You thank the attendant as you exit the plane and continue walking out of the terminal. You cannot help but staring at all the dates that are exactly the same as yours. You keep thinking that something may happen, but as the flight attendant pointed out, "thank goodness it's 20 years"

Home from your business trip, you go and enjoy the day with your family and 7 year old daughter. Time with your daughter is limited these days ever since the promotion. The promotion that gave you stability for your family, but separated you from their everyday lives.

As the day settles into night, you tell your wife about the eerie plan ride you had encountered on your travels. Your wife seems somewhat surprised, but something is missing, something is off...

The next day you and your wife drop off your daughter and split ways for work. Your wife works for the government and you're an investment banker. You find investment banking boring and want something more from life, but you go through your daily routine because its what you must do.

During lunch, you see your wife with several people who fail to have the date and time of death above their heads. These people are in a group called Nomex. Nomex enjoy the luxury of dying naturally but must control the population. The main purpose of the Nomex is to establish a fair amount of life, space, and resources between people. They are like an accounting firm for peoples life spans. They are the creatures that dictate when and how people will die. As a Nomex you must have no family, no interest to the outside world, and no sympathy nor empathy for others.

So why is my wife with these people? Could she be becoming a Nomex, could she be betraying our family? I've grown so far away from my family that I have lost site of the direction we were heading.

After work, you question your wife about hanging around the Nomex. Your wife is short and simply states, "it was for work hunny". You laugh and continue to eat your food. "Must have been nothing" you think to yourself

You start day dreaming of you and your wife fighting like Mr. & Mrs. Smith. (clap clap clap) "Did you even hear me?" You hesitate for a second, "No.. no what... what?" She looks at you in the eyes and you can see that something is not right, something is not normal. This isn't the wife you once stated your vowels to, she felt warm, eerie, and somewhat evil. "Never mind" she says as you both get up and walk to the bathroom to get ready for bed.

As night falls, you slip in your Pj's and head to bed. You wake up in the middle of the night to a bright light and crying...“Ladies and gentlemen, the Captain has turned on the fasten seat belt sign. We are now crossing a zone of turbulence. Please return your seats and keep your seat belts fastened. Thank you.”

At this time you realize everything was a dream, you hear banging and popping and look out your window to see fire in the jet engine. The oxygen mask falls into your lap as you see every single persons "death meter" drop 20 years as fast as the plan starts to descend.

To be continued.. g2g

/r/WritingPrompts Thread