[WP] You struggle to make a compelling prompt. Write about your struggle, the emotions you feel, and the disappointment as you keep pressing backspace. Then the last piece of the puzzle falls into place, and you can finally hit the submit button.

"A man walks into a bar and finds -". No. "You wake up and notice that everybody-". Fuck. "Your entire family are sentient dogs while you are an adopted human". Not good enough!

This is silly. I just want to contribute and yet here I am not even able to come up with an interesting prompt. God, I'm so stupid. I'm not even the least bit creative, not even creative enough to come up with a prompt so someone far more creative and interesting and intelligent than me can come in with a brilliantly written short story. I fail even as a stepping stone.

"You discover that Robert Downey Jr has been a small pebble since the first Iron Man and no one else realises it".

FUCK. This is pointless. No one must ever know of my complete and utter inability to be interesting. Maybe I should read more, maybe this is the catalyst that changes my life. Years from now, when I discover my niche and become a world famous painter, or writer I can look back at this moment as the turning point in my life.

"Well Conan I was sitting at home on Reddit and I for the life of me couldn't come up with an interesting Writing Prompt. I realised I was a complete idiot and turned my life around."

Ohhhh! Wait! An idea!

"You find yourself in the green room for Conan and are described as their most high profile guest but you have no idea what you are famous for"

Wait. That's stupid. Of course he could just google his own name and surely it would come up right? Ugh. This is needlessly difficult. Let's take a look at what's hot right now, what do the top posts from this month all have in common, maybe I can just rework one of them and call it my own.

Valhalla....the Devil's daughter....there's the devil again....psychopath...numbers above people's head....twice...oh wow some of these are really good. Maybe something with the Devil leaving numbers above people's head in Valhalla and you write from the perspective of Ted from Accounting who must attempt to take over Asia.

Wow. That a steaming pile of shit. Right let's reevaluate. Square one time. Maybe I could draw on some real world experience.....which I have none of. Fuck. Come on! Think motherfucker! Something interesting and relatable...

OH MY GOD I HAVE IT! Oh man they're gonna love me. Just get fucking meta about it and they'll all think I'm a genius, just like that Dan Harmon. All I have to do is write a prompt about my inability to write a prompt. They'll love it, they'll see it as original and refreshing. A new take on an old idea!

"You struggle to make a compelling prompt. Write about your struggle, the emotions you feel, and the disappointment as you keep pressing backspace. Then the last piece of the puzzle falls into place, and you can finally hit the submit button"

Oh yes, that's the ticket. Just gotta constantly give a nod and a wink to your audience, let them know you're in on the fact that I'm not creative and let them fill in the rest. My honesty will be seen as commendable and people will maybe start liking me. God, that was pretty easy. Maybe I am a genius...

/r/WritingPrompts Thread