[WP] A super-villain's only superpower is the ability to make other people happy.

The sun rose steadily in the sky. Banishing night it climbed high and called for a change in shift for the people beneath it. The bartenders, casino dealers, air traffic controllers, and prostitutes all fled the coming day. While the news-people, Bakers, and baristas all rose with the sun and welcomed the changes night had brought. Everyone ran to their places and moved as attempts at life scheduled them. The sun reached it zenith signaling noon and a stray beam shot down from the sky onto the hood of a silver 2013 Hyundai Sonata. It reflected from there and raced between two trees and then into a gap between a clear ocean colored curtain and a wall. When the light peaked into the room it found itself splayed across the side of a bed. The bed was surrounded by clothes which needed to be washed, bags of various chips, some empty and some still very much full, and various other refuse and litter. As the sun climbed higher the angle of light reflecting off the car shifted causing the light to climb higher up the bed until it eventually reached the eye of a man pretending to sleep. Asher lay in bed and as the light crept over his vision he didn't turn away from it. He watched as it enveloped one eye then both. He saw the shadows of his white blood cells swimming through his vision confirming that he was still alive and would have to deal with another day. He rolled around into a dip in the middle of the bed and sighed before giving up on sleep. He lay in bed for another thirty minutes. This light was the final straw to convince him that the world was conspiring against him today. Then again he had discovered that the world was conspiring against him some years ago. Reluctant and unwilling he rose from under the comforter, which had grown to hot to stand some time ago. He exited the

/r/WritingPrompts Thread