Is it wrong to go after she does?

So there's Doug. Grey hair, grey beard, 5'7", 200 ish pounds, 50 ish years old.

The is Doug. Doug is not fat. Doug has work a life of manual labor. Doug could kill me with 1 hand. This is part of reason I assume Doug hates his life and is looking for an escape. He fits the part.

Doug puts his iPad in his jacket sleeve. He puts his phone down, face down, on my end of the table. as he so casually asks, "What the fuck is your problem?"

"Whoa, Doug, I'm not trying to fight you here or anywhere, thought this was just some friendly conversation."

"and it is, so fucking talk to me."

...I looked Doug straight in the eye, I told him my schooling, my upbringing on bring poor, my ambitions, how no one even called me back, how my family gives zero fucks about me, about everything.

So there it is. I told some random ass older man in my bar, my entire life story until 4 am. He said, not a single a word until I was ready to leave.

He simply said, "Damn Justin, see you tomorrow."


I show up for work, 6 pm. There's Doug. Jesus, either he was too wasted to remember, or her doesn't give a fuck, just wanted free booze.

6pm in this place was dead. We didnt get a rush until 9pm most nights. So I had time, but, fuck, this guy, he knows too much.

I get Doug's bottle of wine. Offer the bottle, he says, "Just pour it dumbass."

I Fill Doug's glass, I fill that motherfucker. I fill it to the brim. Any slight touch, that shit would be everywhere. Fuck you Doug, I know you're Mike's friend and just looking for a reason to get rid of me.

I walk back behind the bar, knock knock on the wooden bar shelves behind me. It's mike. Fuck. Whatever. Fuck it.

"Doug needs a MacCallan 20. I'll buy. Thanks," Mike says.

"WTF????" I pour it, the $120 ounce whiskey, and walk it over to Doug. Doug says "cool, thanks. Appreciate it."

1230am, Doug is the only guy left, he smarted off and said some shit about how happy he was sure I was about serving tables and never getting the girl. I snapped. I lost it. Fuck you Doug.

"Yeah motherfucker, I'm so miserable im the one spending everynight in the bar, yes, I hate my life so much im tipping dudes $200 just to pat attention to me. Yes motherfucker, clearly, my life sucks and I didn't get an engineering job. Yes I hate this fucking job, and no Doug, you aren't excluded, I fucking hate you you too, fuck you, get the fuck out of my bar, you're no longer welcome here. Get the fuck out. If that's who you are, get out, I don't care how much money you have and within a few days you pay my rent, GET THE FUCK OUT!! FUCK YOU. SECURITY!!! GET THIS FUCK OUT OF HERE!!!"

Doug stood up, left a fucking $500 tip that night. I told this dude to go fucking die... and he left me $500. What a weird man.

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