Yeah, that'll teach those women against feminism!

Incorrect. From the early to mid 1900s, it was fine to be emotionally abusive and all that to a woman. From the 1950s on, there was a time when yes, you'd get shit for "DISRESPECTING A LADY", and that went on until about the mid 80s. From there, there became a weird ideological overlap with how you're supposed to treat women, because the generation from the 50s to the mid 80s were fed this "EQUALITY EQUALITY" stuff while at the same time, people who preferred the way things were before were still teaching their kids otherwise.

Nowadays we have even more ideological overlap because I think as a society, we see treating women as equals important, but at the same time, it's hard for a lot of people to not be bitter toward them when all they see every time they get online is "YOU'RE AN EVIL MAN MEN NEED TO APOLOGIZE FOR BEING MEN". Tumblr feminism is doing more harm than good. Just like "fat acceptance" and "Healthy at every size", are making people speak out much more discriminatory against overweight people. And all of this "WHITE PEOPLE NEED TO APOLOGIZE FOR BEING WHITE. POOR WHITE MEN ARE PRIVILEGED MORE THAN POOR BLACK MEN" shit is making otherwise normal white people annoyed with black people so they go digging up all these statistics and saying all this really hateful shit that they otherwise wouldn't have.

Tl;dr Tumblr's idea of equality is "SHAME MEN. SHAME SKINNY PEOPLE. SHAME WHITE PEOPLE". and it villainizes people who they're shaming to try to lift social and racial minorities up, thus doing a lot more harm than good because they're making the majority feel like shit, which justifiably makes them push back. Speaking rudely to women these days can sometimes be seen as a justifiable push back at all the tumblr feminists who are constantly shit talking males. That's why it's acceptable. Tumblr morons not knowing shit about anything so they hurt their cause more than they help it.

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