Young men are dropping out of society because it's abundantly clear nobody gives a shit about them

I guess I can’t really buy into this because it’s not at all what I’ve experienced. I’m a young man (and white, straight, etc.), and I’ve struggled a lot with depression, suicidal ideation, and social isolation. I’m fairly overweight, doing very poorly in college, and I depend on my parents much more than someone my age should. But I honestly don’t think I was ever hated by society or the people around me. I have a lot of trouble seeking help or letting others know something is wrong, but when I do, I often find people who care and are willing to help. I’ve gotten breaks I really didn’t deserve, people are generally kind to me (when I actually put myself out there), and even when they are jerks to me it rarely has anything to do with me being a man. It’s easy for me to get stuck in my own head, and I convince myself that my friends are mad at me, or that women have no interest in me, or that strangers think I’m a worthless loser. Certain aspects of our culture can exacerbate these feelings (trying Tinder turned out to be a terrible idea, for example), and there seems to be few male role models or examples of positive masculinity in pop culture. I’d definitely like to see more encouragement targeted specifically at young men, and I know my experience isn’t representative of everyone and that I’m very lucky in a lot of ways. But I’m also worried that a lot of men are falling into destructive thought spirals like the ones I am prone to. There’s no point to that; you’ll just end up simultaneously hating yourself and the world. Sometimes, you just have to give people the benefit of the doubt and let them know you need help. Compassion is more common than you may think.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread