In your experience, how different are girls with good father figures to girls without one?

Girls who grew up with a good father figure (doesn't have to be her actual father. .can be an uncle or grandfather or a decent family friend, just someone who was consistently around from early childhood - early adulthood) tend to have their self-esteem associated strongly with things besides looks. I suspect that's because her whole life there was always a man in her life didn't see her as just "pretty". An older male giving her lots of attention for being funny or chatty or good at the violin or polite or good with kids or whatever. So they tend to have a better filter for shitty men or men who are just all about beauty/looks/sex.

Women who had a bad or nonexistent father figure (no consistent man, just a string of "mom's boyfriends", or a dad who was never around / disinterested in his children) tend to focus nearly all of their self-esteem on how they look and/or getting a boyfriend, no matter how shitty the boyfriend. . clinging to just having a boy to have one. They tend to have a string of boyfriends just like mom, often the type to "accidentally" get pregnant after dating a guy for fewer than 3 months.

The saddest are women who grew up with abusive men. Physical, sexual, emotional. . whatever she got as a kid she will seek out as an adult. It's unconscious but her filter of decent guys vs shitty guys is absolutely terrible. . she doesn't want an abusive guy but for some reason she always ends up with one.

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