YSK That Alcoholics Anonymous is one of the worst treatments for addiction.

I don't think people understand the true severity of "sharing" their opinions about this stuff...

Here's my issue with this - if you haven't dealt with this directly you in no way deserve an opinion because you can't possibly fathom what the actual problem is. Even the foremost doctors on the subject readily admit that they can treat the physical aspect (ie withdrawal, physical dependence) but nothing has been proven any more or less effective against the mental aspect of alcoholism (which is the real killer).

The statistics are so skewed it's unreal...is the 5% correct? No it's actually worse than that and a monstrous exaggeration and usually only includes people that make it to one to five years of sobriety. In reality, the true number according to AA is a 1% recovery rate for women and 2% for men. That is a razor thin margin for people literally just trying to survive one more day! But you have to look at the sample you're taking. You have a massive chunk of people who are mandated to go by courts - of course it's not going to work if someone doesn't want to do it as no one will force them (and when I say large I mean 25-40%...I ran groups and used to have to sign sheets showing that people attended for probation. I volunteered 5-6 times per week so I'm very confident in that range).

You also have to look at this in an analogous fashion. By your logic and op's, I could easily say that exercise doesn't work because half our population is obese. But no one would ever say that!

On top of the courts, there are people forced by their parents and significant other to go...again not going to work.

Of the people that go, how many actually do whats requested of them through the program? Maybe 1 in 20 in my experience. And of those people, probably 6 or 7 out of ten thrive.

No joke...someone could die as a result of reading something like this. Would it directly be your fault because some messed up dude on the edge killed himself after thinking "well if AA doesn't work and I've tried everything else I might as well end it now..." No of course not but that doesn't mean you aren't ignorant as fuck for sharing an opinion you have no right to have due to your lack of medical and life experience.

I may come off like a dick and way too forward about this, but I've buried enough people that didn't even make it to 21 so I won't keep my mouth shut.

Bottom line is I used to want to put a pistol in my mouth almost on a daily basis and I don't have to do that anymore because of AA. And here's the craziest part...I left AA after 3 years and have continued I do extremely well in life but I give all the credit to AA getting me on track.

I will not sit here and let internet fucktards steal even one iota of what I've been freely given from someone else who was suffering like I was

End rant

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