YSK if a road is set up for zipper merging, the people skipping ahead on the other lane aren’t being jerks and we should all be doing it. Research supports it, sources inside.

Maybe an analogy would help.

Picture a world where it is expected that you NOT vaccinate your children. The front page of reddit is full of threads about "When you get measles, don't touch other people for 3 days" or subreddits about "AssholeMeaslesHavers".

Everyone is talking about what to do once they have measles, because it is expected they will get it. Then, someone posts in a thread, "Hey, maybe we wouldn't have to talk so much about this if we just got vaccinated." Now picture there is someone who says "We were talking about one specific thing that helps in cases where you already have measles. Talking about preventing measles literally has no significance here." Who would you agree with in that situation?

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