YSK that if you're in the United States and being interrogated, the interrogator is allowed to lie to you.

Again, you need to look up the definition of misogyny, making fun of your wife for the way she looks has literally nothing to do with her sex.

My post history is full of structured debates and as a “lawyer” if that’s an odd thing to you I feel sorry for your clients. This “dissasociating” you refer to, do you accuse everyone who disagrees with you of being lesser or disturbed? Because that’s a textbook example of a mass shooters delusion. You aren’t helping your case here, buddy.

The study isn’t wrong, the facts you were attributing to it are.

I have no anger at all, I’m not the one freaking out and calling someone who disagrees with me and has obviously been through a lot that they’re the next Dylan klebold, you fucking piece of shit.

You are nowhere close to smarter than me, which is sad, but clearly evident in your need to resort to absolutely horrific tactics to try to win an argument. I’ve had two people accuse me of what you accused me off, manufacturing my stories. They both had much the same, arrogant, callous mode of speech as you and it was indicative of their lack of intelligence. It is no different for you.

Buddy, nobody is mad that you’re married so you can quell the ego. Me making an observation about your wife does nothing but trigger you. I haven’t ever seen someone get that angry over a simple comment. I can’t believe you devoted 3 hours of your life to stroking your ego and trying to insult a victim of violence.

The projection is real cute but I think the most glaringly obvious indicator to who is the truly disturbed individual In this debate is the tactics you resorted to. Violent, aggressive, accusatory speech because you didn’t get your way. You laid out two link that’s weren’t even supportive of your argument and refused to accept any facts or concede to points you were told were wrong. You need some help partner. Normal adults don’t engage 24 year old college kids on the internet for 3 hours and then brag about there smarts.

/r/YouShouldKnow Thread Parent