Academics rate women job applicants higher than identical men: study

As someone who works in the medical field dealing with large scale patient populations at-risk for HIV, your stances sound naive.

1) I never said circumcision served as a substitute for medication. I said its been recommended as part of a comprehensive plan to combat the spread of AIDS in Africa. Furthermore, as you stated above, treatment plans need to be comprehensive and include every available option to battle the epidemic. Your comparison between ROI in Uganda and India is problematic as well. At its peak the death toll from AIDS was 200,000 in India (in 07), or .02% of the population. In 2011, well after rates started to wane, Uganda still saw 68,000 AIDS-related deaths, or .1% of its entire population. At the epidemic's height, Uganda saw 15% of adults infected, which would equal roughly 180,000,000 infected Indians. Comparing them as examples of medication delivery makes little sense, especially when you consider the infrastructure systems the British left behind in India when they exited.

2) Paternalism exists in medicine in so many forms. I just... I mean have you even read about how insurance companies dictate what patients can and can't have? Do you think that the vast majority of patients are informed enough to 1) tell their doctor no, and 2) suggest a different, effective plan? What's your opinion on the role EMR systems are dictating care plans? I'm not arguing that things should be better, but bioethics is theory that guides policy, not reality.

3) You're always going to find pocket groups dedicated to a cause, especially on the internet. I'm just telling you, my friends and I have seen each other's dicks multiple times and it's never been something we've even thought was worth a joke. I'm not trying to say we don't have issues as a gender we want to address, I'm saying this, through my entire life, has never been one of them in any of the groups of men I've been a part of, nor has it been mentioned in any books I've read by men.

4) You equivocated what I was saying with your own PC concerns again. I didn't even mean to give you the impression I consider male circumcision a problem, but because you consider it one, you read my statement as such. Also, hunger and disasters affect both men and women.

Honestly though, I commend your future plans. My sister is getting her MPH right now and focusing on female and infant populations, and I couldn't be more proud of her.

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