After I heard that Hillary Clinton didn't tip when she went to Chipotle.

What the hell?

I will admit, i have never been insulted by a tip jar, i was a little caught up, it was wrong of me. If i get good service i will always Tip, i am not a tight wad, and i'm not trying to condescend you, but i do feel attacked, so maybe you should check yourself before spouting off at others Mr. i'm so nice tip man who insults random people on the internet, sounds like you are living two lives, and i have a feeling the one that comes out most is what i'm dealing with here.

I worked at taco bell from 16-18, went straight to staples for 3 more years, then on to fucking PARTY AMERICA for 2 years. I literally worked for 7 years in some of the shittiest jobs for younger people. Never got a single tip. What i did do every day was walk into my place of work with a can do attitude and a smile on my face. I helped people and went above and beyond every day and never once expected ANYTHING other than what my employer was paying. I guarantee you that the service i gave my clients at Staples was FAR superior than anything you would see at a chipotle or burger king, but i was satisfied WITH THE JOB I WAS DOING BECAUSE I WAS HAPPY TO HAVE A FUCKING JOB. What is with the entitled world we live in.

I understand that those jobs are not really expecting tips, but why is chipotle different? They get paid more anyways, why am I a tightwad for not wanting to tip them? And if tips are causing someone to get better service than what is even considered normal, then Tip are an issue. I paid $10 for my burrito, you better not put half meat in it or you will be looking for another job within the week.

What the hell do i care if the 7 months pregnant woman with one leg walking uphill in the snow both ways is making my burrito, we all have problems, get over it, do your job or get another that you feel comfortable with. At least you have a job, and you should take pride in EVERYTHING you do, i builds character and will help you later on in life.

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