AITA for not immediately acting like everything is peachy after an argument?

If you haven’t been dating much longer than a year and/or haven’t lived with him, it’s going to be super easy for him to show you his good side. If ice starts to crack when you don’t have much weight on it, how solid can it be? Idk this guy or your history. There are a couple things you have to watch for when choosing a partner: They seem to fall in love with you very quickly. They trust you with their feelings right away. They don’t seem to have a consistent sense of right and wrong that they hold themselves to as well as others. They use what they know about you against you. They don’t take responsibility for their actions without being pressured.

I hope most/all of those don’t apply. If more than a couple do... like I said... you got nothing but time and options.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent