AITA for not paying my uncle back

YTA, and your uncle is an even bigger AH.

You've taken an entitlement when you previously had thr means to work for it, and your uncle not only offered the entitlement but then had thr gall to ursup your parents' role against them.

There's two things in play here. Your parents, rightfully, are upset because you allowed someone to offer you a form of welfare when you had the means to work previously. You lost your job, and whatever the situation that caused that, you're responsible for paying your own way. By getting that loft from your uncle, you instead got bailed out by a handout instead of getting a life lesson in the consequences of a lack of personal accountability.

Which leads to another point. Legitimate periods have a way of being controlled so that you're not bleeding in inconvenient moments such as while riding in your uncle's vehicle. The same way pregnancies can be stopped by the body when a woman is raped without resorting to abortion, you could have controlled your bleeding. But you chose not to. That's on you.

You should clean your uncle's car, earn thr money needed to repay him for what he gave you or withdraw the funds from any savings you have (including college tuition savings if necessary) and make him accept the payment. If your uncle refuses, know that he is teaching you a destructive lifestyle of dependency and you need to re-evaluate your relationship with him.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread