AITA for not wanting my cat in my room

You brave brave person for having a cat with allergies, yes i am the same as you with moving but mine attacks me when i do and boy it hurts, i dont know why she is so clingy shes in my room all the time (when im home), she doesnt play and the boring thing doesn’t even like catnip and when anyone goes near her she hisses and runs away -_- Like i dont think of me being un reasonable for her to not sleep in my room for 3 nights while i have class, if it was an easy class sure but its not and its really effecting me not getting enough sleep.... she has a safe space in the closet next to my room as my dogs are quite obnoxious with the cats, it has pillows in there where she sleeps or she goes in my sisters room but i know shes going to be a whole lot worse when i move states as i have to bring her with me :/

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