AITA for thinking my friend is 'less manly' for being sexually abused?

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Hi! Before I get started I should mention that I am a 25 year old female and the man in question is 27. We will call him Jake.

Jake is an alpha type dude, 6 pack, ripped, strikingly handsome and is all around a hunk of a man, this is everything I would want in a partner and one of the reasons I keep myself close to him in case I ever see the time is right for our relationship to start..

Anyways about a month ago Jake invited me to his house as well as with 2 of our other friends, Sarah and Mike I will call them. I don't wanna get in too deep about what he said in fear of my post being removed but let's just say, stuff was done to him as a child by his older step brother that shouldn't have been done....

This obviously changed the way that I look at him. He use to be an alpha dude to me, but now.. knowing he was used like that makes him feel like less of a man to me, and not only that, while Mike and Sarah was comforting him I just stood there awkwardly not really knowing what to do..

Anyways we left and I've been avoiding him ever since, now that I do not want a relationship with him I see no point in even being around him with the knowledge of.. what happened... And both he and my friends called me out on it. I haven't told them how I feel just that I've been feeling sick lately (which I do feel sick about it), but idk if I'm being judgemental about it or not, AITA?

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