All 28 states of the European Union unanimously declare they will not recognize Israeli sovereignty over the occupied Golan Heights.

Why don't you read Pat Robertson's speech about why Evangelicals support Israel? He explicitly states the support of Israel by Evangelicals is because of prophecy and not politics.

Ladies and Gentleman, evangelical Christians support Israel because we believe that the words of Moses and the ancient prophets of Israel were inspired by God. We believe that the emergence of a Jewish state in the land promised by God to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob was ordained by God.

We believe that God has a plan for this nation which He intends to be a blessing to all the nations of the earth.

Of course, we, like all right-thinking people, support Israel because Israel is an island of democracy, an island of individual freedom, an island of the rule of law, and an island of modernity in the midst of a sea of dictatorial regimes, the suppression of individual liberty, and a fanatical religion intent on returning to the feudalism of 8th Century Arabia.

These facts about modern day Israel are all true. But mere political rhetoric does not account for the profound devotion to Israel that exists in the hearts of tens of millions of evangelical Christians.

You must realize that the God who spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai is our God. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are our spiritual Patriarchs. Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel are our prophets. King David, a man after God's own heart, is our hero. The Holy City of Jerusalem is our spiritual capital. And the continuation of Jewish sovereignty over the Holy Land is a further bulwark to us that the God of the Bible exists and that His Word is true.

And just a bonus here is an article written by a evangelical with a PhD in Religious Studies for CNN that explains the issue. Once again this isn't some fringe believe it is common among Evangelicals and it isn't some secret.

For many evangelicals, Jerusalem is about prophecy, not politics

I may not believe it -- anymore, at least. You may not believe it. Donald Trump might not even truly believe it. But millions do. That matters. Not only for American politics, of course. For the peace of Jerusalem. And for peace for the rest of us as well.

And a Washington Post article about the issue:

Half of evangelicals support Israel because they believe it is importance for fulfilling end-times prophecy

You can pretend these people don't exist but they absolutely do.

But I am sure you know why Evangelicals support Israel better than those of us who have actually been preached to about Israel's important to the end times. If you ignore this phenomena you are being willfully ignorant.

Rather than the snarky response you provided why not explain why you think Evangelicals support Israel?

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