I am Chris Hansen. You may know me from "To Catch a Predator" or "Wild Wild Web." AMA.

Always curious to me that it can take just one rational argument to reach the masses and change the mob mentality in the other direction. THATS the power of the Internet. I am often disgusted at how quick people, including here on reddit, are to jump onto the bandwagon of popular opinion, regardless of the blatant stupidity of the position. But this proves that it can go the other way as well, which brings hope to me that masses aren't as blindly unthinking as they often seem to be. The next point of contention that I have, is the over sensitivity and overt political correctness that seems To be plaguing online forums. Just try to express a counter or unpopular opinion and watch your position be down voted into oblivion. You know who polarizes the masses the most? Edward snowden. Without fail, every post I have made that paints his actions is a positive light, has been ruthlessly attacked and relegated to down vote hell. I have had my inbox full of people who adamantly argue that we SHOULDN'T have the right to know that we are being ruthless spied on. We SHOULDN'T have the right to information that directly effects us? Or try saying that you're uncomfortable with overly sexed gay people. That gay PRIDE is actually counter to the entire principal of being seen as equal to other humans. Or try expressing that African American communities are seemingly more racist than white communities. I grew up in Arkansas and have first handedly experienced and witnessed more racism from Black guys than I have ever seen in the other direction. How many times have I heard that black people can't be racist.. What a mind numbingly ridiculous argument. It's common sense that what Chris Hansen and the sensationalism of "to catch a predator" is fundamentally wrong and socially destructive. Thankfully, my man made a well founded argument based in political and legal philosophical ideals that resonates with people. Thank god we listened.

/r/IAmA Thread