American musicians are 'scared sh*tless' their careers 'will be destroyed' if they speak up for Palestinians -- Roger Waters


Actually, they have aligned with a group of ET/EDs that pose as God and create fear and suffering to feed them spiritual energy, the energy that animates living beings. As one creates it, through appreciation, joy, love, one feels invigorated, more able and willing to go on in life, energy to move. As one loses it, through depreciation of themselves and others, suffering, fear (and its derivative emotions), one feels drained, less able and willing to go on in life, losing the energy to move.

These beings are ancient spiritual parasites that expertly enslave populations through subtle covert control of the systems on their worlds that govern their behavior. The Jewish people are their chosen people to act as managers to enslave humanity on Earth. They are gifted, but also secretly assisted by their "God," this clique of powerful ancient extra-terrestrial/extra-dimensional beings.

You can know them by the fruit their behavior bears. They seek to dominate and control to perpetuate fear and suffering, to perpetuate the farming of this energy we create. Not all Jewish people are in on this and its better that way. They are more resistant against criticism and suspicion that way. We're trained to think in binary and extremes rather than see the nuance in between the extremes or outside of them. Yes, reptilians are part of this. Yes, this is a tired old narrative that explains the bullshit on this world and has been said in many ways by many people. We've heard it so much that the very aspects of this conspiracy are used jokingly to deride nearly all discourse and thought on the matter.

TLDR; Haha! He said reptilians. Get out the tinfoil boys!

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