Antiwork was a dumb name anyway. Most people want to work. We just don't want to be exploited. We want reform. We have the power, never forget that.

I'm already seeing that part of the original message fading away here and it's been 24ish hours.

We live in a world with amazing automation capacity, and that is increasing; yet the shareholders are finding more and more bullshit work for people to do to keep them chained to a desk 40+ hours a week and too tired to demand more.

Work reform is a nice start, but automation + UBI + volunteerism needs to be the end goal. I mention volunteerism because there is tons of work to be done that will not get funded by the capitalist class, like beach cleanups and park restorations. I think it's in human nature to want to work towards something and be busy, but we don't want the abuse, and as Neo said to the machines "we want the choice."

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