Anyone else ruminate over 'shitty people' who barely even affect their lives?

the true lack of empathy is what gets me.

how does knocking somebody else down prove you are stronger? it proves you can abuse people who have done nothing to you, it doesn't prove you're stronger or better. all you are proving to people around you is that you haven't matured past highschool and are still fine treating people like a jerk. which probably makes you a jerk.

as far as treatment of women goes, i think half the problem is these guys treat women like another species. i see it all the time with my (twice divorced) dad. he's always rambling about how he doesn't get women, how different their brains apparently work, how they aren't as capable as men. and it baffles me. like he sees the whole concept of romance as this complex game with steps and shit, it reminds me of the fucking D.E.N.N.I.S. system. it's literally more like a predator/prey type thing.

that's actually the best way to put it, these guys see dating as hunting and women as prey, even if they won't say it. the use pick up lines and shit because they don't respect women enough to hold an actual conversation with one. it's more like fishing than meeting somebody you think is awesome and that you want to spend time with, and you're right, it's super insecure.

shit like negging and red pill bullshit are great examples, if you see somebody as not the same as you, it's easy to justify doing terrible shit like that. what guy would wanna spend time to a woman who came up to him and insulted him? not a lot. why? because people don't like having their feelings hurt. but they justify it because "he's a beta, he's different from me, he's obviously lesser than me", which is the trap. any time you think about anybody as less than you chances are you're gonna push them away if they have any self respect. so when you think of yourself as "alpha" and above everybody else, you probably aren't gonna talk to a lot of people who aren't "on your level"

oh and you know what the dumbest part about the whole "alpha" thing is? that terminology came from the 40s and was used to describe behavior in wolf packs; the kicker is that they've determined there isn't really a dominant wolf in packs.

the idea was that in a pack, all the males would fight for dominance, and so would all the females. the top two would form the "alpha" pair. but wolves don't actually behave this way at all. young male wolves are fully part of the pack, and when they are ready to breed they leave the pack. actually a lot of social animals do this, elephants also come to mind.

so TL;DR "alpha" men are idiots attempting to act how scientists in the 40s incorrectly thought wolves behaved. which is funny to me.

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