Are you aware of anyone who ever changed their vote based on the Vice Presidential Debate?

I actually did. While I lean left in general and even greatly on dime issues, I'd always liked and respected John McCain. In between his unsuccessful bids I'd said he's the only (at that time) current Republican I could see myself voting for for president. I didn't particularly like Obama at the time. As a junior congressman, I didn't believe he had the political acumen to be an effective president at all, much less fulfill all of his campaign promises. I felt that McCain was a moderate enough Republican with the political clout to be a strong and effective president. I can't say for certain I would've definitely voted for him, but I was strongly considering, though his post-primary drift from the center gradually more right was giving me pause about it. Then Palin happened. Within a week I couldn't imagine voting for presidential candidate who's judgment was so poor as to choose her or so weak as to have her forced upon him. Not to mention that, God forbid should anything happen to him, she'd be the leader of the free world. So I suppose I can't say for certain that I would've voted for McCain but for her, there was at least a 50/50 shot of it and I think I was leaning towards it until she joined the campaign.

/r/PoliticalDiscussion Thread