We are David Kirkpatrick and Danny Hakim from The New York Times, and we've been investigating what was behind the fire at Grenfell Tower in London. Ask Us Anything!

Are you aware that adding flamable cladding for cosmetic reasons to buildings has been a known fire risk in the UK since 1973? (Look up Summerland disaster)?

Are you aware that both the former chief executive of the RBKC, and the owner of the company that sold them the flammable cladding, are both board members of the housing charity Shelter, and have both just had to resign as a result?

Are you aware that the UK government requires local council governments to maintain disaster preparedness plans, and that it seems RBKC did not bother to have such a plan?

Are you aware that gerrymandering has been used in RBKC to create ghettos , and maintain the Conservative control of the Council?

Are you aware that housing minister after housing minister has sat on recommendations from previous inquiries and inquests, and deliberately watered down fire safety regulations in the name of "cutting red tape" by allowing builders to self certify their work?

You guys should read Private Eye, you might learn something.

/r/IAmA Thread