Are you interested in someone right now? If so, why haven't you acted on it yet?

I did. She didn't respond to the question but responded. I stupidly asked again. She ignored the question. I took the hint and backed off.

I fucked up before I made a move though by drunkenly calling the girl prettier than her friend at a party however. Yea I'm self cringing at that thanks and I probably am retarded, but it's nice to know for certain from internet strangers. I didn't realise this until someone told me on reddit yesterday though. I've been told to move on, I'm half moving on.

When I found out my mistake, I messaged the friend and apologized for being a jerk and a dick and whatever else saying it was meant as a joke, because it was, but either way I'm just sorry I did something so insensitive and dick-ish. It seemed to be received well. The friend said no worries and thanks for apologizing and "see you at the next party" so, I'm hoping I'm at least back to neutral.

I still want to try and re-initiate contact with the girl but I think I made a nice mess of everything and will just have to wait it out. Hopefully I get a chance to make some sort of move at the next party, even if it's just exchanging hello's but it's a little shitty because the 'next party' isn't a determined time or anything, it could be next month it could be a year from now, there's no guarantees and who knows what happens in that time. But the only plays I figure I can make are waiting or putting it all on the line and trying one more time to ask her out, but that could blow up in my face and right now it might be too soon to play that hand, so I dont know. Seems like I just have to suck it up, move on and wait it out. Hope things fall in my favour. If not, hopefully I find someone that catches my interest like this girl did. Maybe that happens tonight, maybe it doesn't. The cards can just as easily fall for me as they can for her. Just, seems a little shitty right now to have fucked up so colossally, you know?

/r/AskMen Thread