Why Aren't We More Outraged When Police Kill Women Of Color?

Well since I havent heard it, you must not be doing it, or you aren't doing it right"

I didn't say that, that is you continually reading in between lines. I am saying that if more coverage of it happened (obviously it hasn't according to the author of the article). Then more people can get behind. I am and have never said it is failing of black women or anyone else, like I said before it is the lack of media coverage. But no, you want to spin it like I am saying something else. Everything I have said has been in support of it. What more do you want?

Because you havent heard about it there is no problem with shutting us all because surely all Black men are perfect and empathetic and would step forward if we would....because you would, right?

I think you have some beef with someone else, because I am literally speaking for myself and voicing my opinions. But I am pretty sure a problem like this can definitely get support from black men and women.

No sexism and erasure here in our collective struggle at all, thats all in our heads. Right?

Oh my god, you are making a problem out of nothing for no reason.

Examine your own words before getting defensive

My god, the irony.

talk to a Black woman as if they're insane rather than as an equal.

Let's get something straight. I am a black man who was raised in a single mother home, who instilled values and life lessons I carry with me everyday. Women, nay, Black Woman I have learned are some, no, the most amazing people on the planet. Every black woman I always have treated with respect and it is why I respect this cause that calls for more attention to the marginalization of black women.

With that being said, a lot of what you gave expressed in this conversation comes off as being angry and you wanted to attack me for nothing more than playing semantics and trying to draw extra meaning where there is none.

I will tell you again, I respect and support this movement 110% no problem. I in no way want to minimize anything about the importance of this, but I want you to understand. What I say I mean, no reading between the lines necessary. I don't want to silence you or anyone else. Believe me when I say that.

/r/blackladies Thread Parent Link - ravishly.com