Bernie Sanders Tells Berniebros To Knock It Off -- 'We Don't Want That Crap'

Yeah, yeah, the whole "regressive left" nonsense that centrists throw around so they can go on labelling themselves as left-wings.

It is actually a thing, though.

Bernie Sanders, of course, going by the bulk of his policies, is a "regressive leftist", and the inconsistencies between Sanders' stances and the views of many of the idiots who claim to support him is one of the biggest reasons for the negative views towards people who support Sanders.

  1. I would love some examples of Bernie's regressive policies.

  2. I think you would be surprised to find that most of these "Brogressives" you deride actually support the things you think they are against.

Things like "Brogressives" are an extension of the ideas like frat/party bros. The idea being that it's full of a bunch of middle-to-upper class white kids that only care about themselves and others like them, and only do things that benefit themselves.

No, I understand it. I just think it's kind of funny coming from people who say they are on the left.

It's similar to all the Sanders supporters who are just as willing to vote Trump, because they ignore all the consequences that would come from voting in someone like Trump, because they will most likely never feel the negative consequences.

They could also be smart enough to realize that Trump actually won't be able to enact his most heinous policies. I don't think it's a good idea. But it's not like he'd actually be able to turn America into Nazi Germany 2.0 or some shit, or even actually wants to. Plus, Hillary and Trump are similar enough that in this election it'd be a relatively benign middle finger to a party they probably feel betrayed them.

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