I can't find my S.O.

  1. Increase exposure to find those who you'd want to date (which is tough)
  2. Have fun but treat it like you want a long lasting relationship. Let them know this. Those who want to stay, will.
  3. Focus on improving yourself. Don't just think about the end goal. Work on hobbies and comfort zones. Take people along this journey.

I think these are appropriate goals to have when looking for that one person. Your love language is a trait of yours in which they will connect with you, but it is a small factor considering the problem you're trying to solve.

If you're concerned with more intimate interactions, learn by trial and error in those moments. In an emotionally intelligent way, understand what they need. You have a lot to offer but might need to work on the delivery of it.

Also, you should have a fun conversation when appropriate to share how you connect to others and use positive reinforcement ("Y'know, you really surprise me with your compliments and the nice things you say. It really brightens my day!"). Reciprocity will help let you know theirs. Communication is key. Maybe they don't know or are pretty shy or conservative especially with physical touch.

/r/dating Thread