CEO of VisuWell fired after harassing a boy who wore dress for his prom.

I got strong closet case vibes from him. It looked like he was playing pocket pool with a smirk on his face as he won’t let this teen in a stunning red dress alone.

And keep in mind he’s doing this instead of returning to his table AND his family who were there for dinner — and were probably wondering what’s taking him so long in the bathroom.

Just read the statement he gave Newsweek.

In response to a Newsweek inquiry, Johnson denied the allegations as "entirely false," saying the confrontation "wasn't anything personal or involving a dress," rather "about obnoxious, loud behavior by this group of teens."

Johnson said he had approached the teenagers to request they "tone down the vulgarities around the families and children who were present," including his own.

"We had just sat down for dinner at this restaurant that we frequent, and I was returning from the restroom when I was presented with their loud cursing," Johnson told Newsweek. "Making it about the dress was their idea and they edited out most of the exchange."

"I have no ill will towards anyone or their personal choices, so long as it does not harm me or my family," he added.

Johnson added his family left the establishment of their own free will.

He was just trying to protect families you guys!!!

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