Champion's Mentality - How To Stop Being A Loser & Become Epic - A spiritual successor to Monk Mode. If Monk Mode was "how to stop being a loser" this is "how to start being a winner"

Just the name Monk Mode sounds epic and sublime. As a 26 year old loser who has No savings, education, monetizable hobby, abs or big muscles and married expecting first baby (call me irresponsible). Monk Mode is just what I need right now in my life. I have been collecting some red pill maxims and points to read and internalize in order to keep me focused. Cutting out junk activities like social media, gaming, reading theredpill daily, being consistent in lifting are my biggest obstacle. I was never one of those losers who blame others for his misfortunes even though I was raised up in the most horrible way for a boy. I hold myself accountable and I am the master of my path, just need to stop procrastinating which easier said than done. One thing you can not get back in life is time wasted so do not grieve over the decades you've wasted but in fact enjoy the moment and fight for what is left out of your life because that's all you have, fight for it because to compete is the way of men. I'm not going to let having no degree, skinny fat body or the years I've squandered away stop me or make me feel depressed. The way of man is to compete and push forward. Yes many people can check my CV and say I'm a loser but what do they know about my battles or what is laid in front of me to overcome. Feminists talk about the glass-celling but for some of us men life will always be on the hard mode and we will not complain to people.When I go into monk mode I must not pussy out. There comes a time when you notice that you can't afford to live a soft and easy life. I will end this with four maxims which keep make me remember that it ain't all sunshine and rainbows.

  1. ‘Abdullāh b. Masʿūd said: There is no comfort or rest for the believer until he meets Allāh. [Wakīʿ b. Al-Jarrāḥ, Al-Zuhd #86]
  2. Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah, rahimahullaah: "The heart was only created for the remembrance of Allaah." [Majmuu Fatawaa 9/213]
  3. A poet said: "It worldly life is founded on distress yet you want it, Free of harm and distress."
  4. Abdullah, asked his father Imaam Ahmed bin Hanbal one day: “Father when will we ever relax?” His father, one of the greatest revivers of the Sunnah and a role model for all Muslims looked him in the eye and said: “With the first step we take into heaven”.
/r/TheRedPill Thread