The change to Grievous Wounds where it only affects self-healing just pushed Soraka to an all time high of cancerous.

Such an emotional response. Soraka annoys nearly everyone she plays against. I don't like to use the buzzword anti fun but that's all she can be described as. I don't even see how Soraka player's can find it enjoyable unless they take some sadistic pleasure out of annoying shit out of everyone like fizz mains.

She will never expend 50-70% of her health in a normal team fight so I really don't know where you got that from. Three of her heals and her ult are enough to save an adc in most team fights, which is fine. She's a support that has very little CC. She should be able to save her adc and have a high impact ult, fine. What she should not be able to do (and what they supposedly changed her for) is keep her adc topped off at lane and force it into a farm lane just by existing. Her E combo'd with her impressive ability to keep her damage dealer alive makes diving her very dangerous as well. And if the Adc ever gets ahead, she has the "Sona" balancing problem where her power just becomes overwhelming.

Against a perfectly coordinated team, she'd be horrible. She'd get picked off, her targets would get bursted. The enemy team would pick a scaling adc into the farm lane and all would be well. But it isn't and that's the reason they nerfed the very counter heavy Akali and many other champions.

Honestly while everyone complains about her heals I think her silence is the biggest problem. Her weakness in lane should be hard engage.

And she can build health and resistances. Just because it takes 200 health over 100 doesn't mean she ends up with less health at the end. All that being said however, I'd take her over tahm anyday.

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