Clinton Says She's Unsure What Sanders Means by 'Wall Street'

It's pathetic how any statements which are not 100% pro Bernie have to be labeled and disclaimed on this reddit. I don't care about politics, and if Bernie doesn't get the nomination, then this whole hivemind will jump on Hillary because she will be the only one standing between America and Trump/Cruz.

Hillary is completely right in this regard. The reason why occupy wallstreet failed to accomplish anything was be because they were never able to identify what exactly it is they are trying to protest. "Wall Street" has been diluted to nothing more than "rich, evil, 1%'s."

The world is set up on the very intricate and unpredictable system of banking, which is as much art as it is science to try to figure out let alone control. Just like in any other field there will be assholes who capture all of the headlines and make it easy to set up for ambiguous political attacks.

Wall Street isn't evil, and it shouldn't even be personified. Before jumping a bandwagon, spend some time actually looking into how vital the functions of financial markets are to not only you as an individual, but to the global welfare.

It's easy to take something for granted when you don't understand it. Turning a knob to get running, hot water may seem like not a big deal because you never go out of your way to think about the thousands of miles of underground pipes, the millions of work hours put into construction, the ingenious designs of pressure systems in the pipes of your apartment, etc. All that just for running water.

Now imagine how much you under appreciate the global system which tries to manage the allocation of resources to billions of people, millions of business across 24 times zones. All with no rule book, and a constantly changing environment that leaves you with no time to react to event A before event B is on the front page of the New York Times.

There are no laws of gravity to discover in global markets, nothing keeps it grounded, and nothing is set stone. What we think we may know today might be irrelevant tomorrow. At least with engineering/science things follow immutable universal laws, a luxury which the global economy does not have.

I don't know where Bernie stands on any of this, but the blind, loud, and proud ignorance of his supporters is a real big turn off. It's fucking bullshit and it leaves no room for opinions which aren't inside of the Bernie circlejerk.

Every day I see photoshopped and and slandered photos of every single Non Bernie candidate for presidency on the front page.

There are power users named fuck hillary who are on the front page every day posting stupid crap and get upvoted . Not to be a tin foil hatter, but that crap is subliminal. Everywhere I go on Reddit there are unsolicited references to fucking Bernie Sanders. I don't give a shit about politics, let me reddit in peace without having to eat a bag of old Berns dicks on every third link I click. Keep that shit in /r/sandersforpresident

Thanks to reddit I'm not feeling the Bern.

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