Congress, stop the insanity. Confirm Loretta Lynch now. "In a sane world, the Republican-led Senate would have confirmed Loretta Lynch as attorney general months ago. But sanity hasn’t been seen around here in some time."

Not in this thread, but I've seen you try to defend her by labeling her a "progressive" elsewhere on Reddit.

No you didn't. And again, how about you not continually making shit up and hell, I dunno, ask me directly? Let's pretend you asked me: 'Garyp714, what do you really think of Hillary':

I think she is a center left Democrat that is a smart politician in a very fluid and rapidly changing era. Right now she sees what Obama saw and a lot of political people see: America is rapidly moving to the left after 45 years of conservative lean.

With that, back when her husband ran, he had to run and govern as a centrist to center right. That's the tenor of that time and it served him well but left the progressives out in the cold (as they have been since the 80ies).

Then Obama came and we as a country were just starting to move left but were so right shifted he too had to run as a centrist. And then, he also had to govern as a centrist which led to the frustration folks on the left felt as he capitulated and triangulated all the time...but got a bunch of shit done but progressives and Americans wanted more. That's why he's said 'fuck it' and has all of a sudden become a progressive firebrand. He sees the move left we are making and has nothing to lose so he is helping move the conversation left.

And here we are with an eye to 2016 and folks like Hillary are seeing the power that Warren and Sanders and the new Obama have and like smart politicians at the beginning of a loooong campaign, she is testing the waters on this progressive stuff to see how it will affect her standing.

So Hillary is right now in flux. She could very well see that this progressive stuff is polling well and move heavily left or, she could see it hitting the shitter and stay in the center. Time will tell. But I do know for sure that America is comically cyclical in its vacillation between the two 'poles' and we are absolutely more open to progressive ideas more so than anytime since the 60ies.

And lastly, I don't really feel strongly about any candidate on the left right now except for one thing: I want the best pitbull and candidate we can get that will stand up to the coming smears and put together a strong campaign team and machine and hold the White House which is way more important than any single candidate can be. This is the seminal election, not 2008. With multiple SCOTUS and a coming census, 2016 has to be a Democratic win.

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