could someone please give me a more concise understanding of chiron and it’s interactions with other planets?

Chiron represents your deepest wound. Since it's in your 5th house. You might have had painful experiences in romance. And since it's in capricorn there might have been themes of being burdened by responsibility in romance

Chiron in 5th-

Probably suffered lots of heartbreaks

Early heartbreak from your childhood

Probably shy

The one who is always at a corner watching others have fun

Afraid to express affection/feelings

Wants to have children yet is afraid to not be a good parent

Having a child is usually a healing experience

Gives great advices yet does not follow own advice

Lack of self confidence

Wants to be admired yet does not feel capable of being

5th house is alsoe related to creativity. So you may have been ambitious(capricorn) about some sort of creative pursuit (5th house). But it resulted in pain.

And no pluto is not a be benfic planet. Pluto brings intense and painful transformation. Since it's in your 4th house, you might have had an intense childhood. One parent, probably the mother intrusive and overbearing.

/r/AskAstrologers Thread