I want to cut contact with my daughter

Wow. This is exactly my youngest brother and my parents feelings. I'm so sorry. I can relate a bit as only the sibling. He is 30. My other brother and my mother bankroll him and scraped him off the street and put him in an apartment. He treats my mother like human trash and she is a fucking saint. Pisses me off so much. He is the worst and was given everything from a relatively normal family. He lives 1000 miles away and he can cause chaos to my mother from a distance. He is going to bleed her dry until she is dead. I have no advice because as a parent to a toddler I can't even imagine the pain and the feelings you are having about your own child. I see my little girl and could never imagine being in that scenario. As a parent I see why you have put up with it. And you are right it will only get worse. My brother threatens suicide or that he will get himself murdered. How do you help someone who refuses help and screams for it at the same time? I have washed my hands of him because him and I got into a fist fight because of his behavior. I can't do it anymore as his brother. We barely talk and when we do it is for holidays and birthdays. He is the most self destructive person I know and he refuses to get professional help because he doesn't believe in it. Even though it pains me to say I hope he disappears and leaves my mother alone. I hope he gets arrested and goes to prison, maybe he can get the help he needs forced on him. I feel his path only leads to prison or death. He has eviscerated everyone emotionally and completely drained all the love he has been given. I wish I could paint a bright outcome for you but I have grown jaded.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread