Dating gurus, coaches or whatever you call them e.g. Matthew Hussey.

I currently have a dating coach and it's going really well. She's giving me tips on how to behave on dates, making sure I'm giving off the right vibe for the type of relationship I want, and helping me with presenting the best version of myself.

I was reluctant to try it out at first because there are a lot of rules involved with her method but it's been working out for me! I find that I'm less anxious on dates, I don't sweat it if a guy doesn't text me back, and all in all I'm much more secure with myself.

For the type of person I am, it's nice to have structures for dating. It takes the ego out of the process because at the end of the day, we're all looking to date someone who suits us.

/r/datingoverthirty Thread