Dating rants. vents and open discussion

I’ve (29F) been on 6 dates with a woman (35F). I feel that the dates went well. We’ve for the most part alternated planning the dates. However, lately I’ve noticed her communication/texting is not great. Last Wednesday, I asked if she was available to meet up on a particular day. She took two days to respond and I had to double text (prior to that she would take at most a day to respond but usually just a few hours which I was fine with). Her response was that she was going away for the long weekend to see family but asked if we could reschedule to this week. I told her sure, to just let me know when she’d like to reschedule to.

After that, she picked up on the texting that day just asking some small talk questions. I thought maybe she realized that she was not communicating too well. The last text I sent her was a response to a question she asked and I asked a related question back to her. I didn’t get a response from her nor did I get a rescheduled day from her as well and it’s been a week.

So I’m not sure if I should just take it as a sign of disinterest and leave it at that?

I was hoping if we did meet up, I would be able to talk to her about communication. She wrote something on her profile that makes me know she’s aware of her poor texting habits and she said on her profile she’d like to work on it. We haven’t had any of that sort of conversation yet.

/r/datingoverthirty Thread