Dating someone who has been emotionally abused

You've told her you love her and you're willing to wait for her. She said no. There's not much you can do, at this point. It's all on her. She can choose to trust you ...or not.

If I were you I would take this as a life lesson: do not date anyone who has not spent a couple of years working on themselves and their trauma.

People who say they were relatively recently (say 5 or less) in a long term abusive relationship (or had any other kind of drama in their life like estrangement or cheating or running away from home) but they never worked on themselves afterwards? Or they did three months of therapy or read a book and that's it? Immediate strike. It's not worth it. Their shit will inevitably contaminate the relationship.

Whether it's therapy or some kind of intensive meditation practice or making a lot of art to work through their feelings or going on a Wild-style long-term hike... people need to do something, anything significant to process their trauma before they are healthy enough to be in a solid relationship. Treat it like an STI screening.

/r/datingoverforty Thread